Finally! A Fun Fitness Approach For Nerds

See how nerdy guys are tapping into an alter-ego to drop 20-30lbs+ using a gamified approach to feeling more confident and capable in their body.

How Seth Dropped 25lbs & Overcame Gym Anxiety


How Travis Used His Alter-Ego To Drop 30lbs+


Eric Was A Beginner, Now His Wife Is Bragging About His Transformation


"I am 4.5 months in, already 20 pounds down. My body has never looked better, and I can’t wait to see what things look like going forward. I’m also healthier physically and mentally, and have found self discipline I never knew I had. One of the best investments I’ve ever made."

Robin "CT-1017"

"I owe so much to Fit Nerd Academy. Seth is my husband and the amount of confidence he's gained in the last 6 months is worth every penny. Thanks to FNA our daughter is going to grow seeing her dad happy and healthy and always willing to run around with her."

Wife of FNA Member

"I am under 200lbs for the first time in years and I took a 4+ mile walk with my wife and wasn't completely gassed by the end."

Alex "CT-1035"

50% Complete

Two Step

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